Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Conjuring House's Connection To The Legend of the Burrillville Giant


There have been legends of large skeleton's being unearthed all over the country for over a century. From the stories of giants remains found in caves in Lovelock, Nevada, to other stories of gargantuan skeletons found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 

Even an 1892, edition of the Burrillville Gazette mentioned a giant skeleton, over nine feet tall had been discovered in Palermo, Sicily back in the 16th century, and a Native American skeleton unearthed near Antietam in 1897, which made news headlines at the time, too. These stories intrigue and mystify us all. 

There are even stories that date back to the 1800's in Burrillville about a giant man whose remains were found buried under the house of a local resident. 

According to Horace Keach's book, "Burrillville: As It Was, As It Is," published all the way back in 1856, he mentions this alleged giant and another name caught my attention. 

"A few years ago a discovery was made by one of our citizens which reveals the physical character of those with whom our ancestors had to contend. In 1836, Capt. Samuel White, in excavating beneath his wood house, found the remains of a human skeleton of proportions altogether unlike our moder inhabitants.

He called several neighbors to view it, and among them was Doct. Levi Eddy. The body was lying upon the side, with arms folded, head bent forward, and the knees drawn upward. It was exhumed, the bones were put together, and all parties were surprised at its gigantic height. After surveying it awhile the Doctor exlaimed, "He was a bouncer! he must have been as much as eight feet high!"

The author speculated on whether or not this was bones of some ancient Native American. but as he ends that story, "Tradition is silent, echo has no answer."  

Were they ancient native bones? Or could they have been the bones of earlier, larger inhabitants, possibly even ancient ancestors of the norsemen who were said to have explored North America long before anyone else from the European continent? Without the bones to examine, which seem to have been lost to the annals of time, we may never truly know for certain.

What we do know:

Samuel White was about 55 years old when he uncovered the remains of this mystery giant while digging under his home. Why was he digging? The only information given was that he was "excavating" under his home. Perhaps to work on his cellar?  

His neighbor, Doctor Levi Eddy was 61 years old at the time that he examined the alleged remains. I tend to believe this story, only because Doctor Eddy was a prominent figure in the area at the time. I don't believe he would have put his reputation on the line to push a false story for some publicity or fame.  

The connection this event has with the Richardson-Arnold house is simple. Doctor Levi Eddy was the father of Sally Margery Eddy Arnold, the wife of Stephan Arnold. Stephan would have inherited the farm sometime after his father, John Arnold passed away in 1837.  

Although nobody involved in this "giant" incident was living at the farmhouse, and Doctor Eddy certainly didn't live there at any point in time, it is still a fun fact to share, as it did happen in Burrillville.

Yes, there is a connection between the giant skeleton and the house via the Eddy family. Was that supernatural? No. Was that historical? Yes! 

(Copyright, 2024 -- J'aime Rubio, www.jaimerubiowriter.com) 

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The Conjuring House's Connection To The Legend of the Burrillville Giant

  There have been legends of large skeleton's being unearthed all over the country for over a century. From the stories of giants remain...